Support Center

Please reach out to us at


Most asked support questions

How can I update my password?

You can update your password in a few quick steps:
1. Navigate to our homepage
2. Click the Log In button
3. Select the "Forgot Password?" button
4. Enter your email address and click the Send confirmation email button. You will be redirected to a page with two options (Update Password, Go to homepage)
5. Check your email and access your 6 digit code
6. Click the "Update Password" button
7. Enter your 6 digit code and your new password. Click Update password.
8. Click Go to homepage

How can I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership, please contact our support team at and provides us with your account information.

Can I get a refund?

For questions about refunds, please contact our support team at and provides us with your account information.